Why can I not just use Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop CS 6 or Adobe Illustrator to create watermarks?
The first time you are presented with the task of adding a watermark for a digital photo it is easy to look to what software you already has installed on your computer.
If you have Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop CS 6 or Adobe Illustrator installed you might want to use one of these programs to add the watermark.
Saving time without loosing quality
Next time you might have more than one photo to watermark, this time it might be an entire folder of pictures that you need to watermark fast.
Now it is time to look for a piece of software that will let you add watermark to a bunch of photos without any manual intervention.
Batch watermarking, quick and easy!
TSR Watermark Image is one such software!
You can easily add watermarks to hundreds of photos, in one big batch or in smaller batches if they are grouped into different watermark collections.
With a versatile user interface that lets you select everything from font size, orientation and colors you can easily add a unique and high quality watermark to hundreds of photos in one run.
Written by Anders Thue Pedersen, Google+
Published: Sunday, May 11, 2014
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